Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bud and Spud's Seed Structure.

A corn seed is a monocot which is an angiosperm plant having a single cotyledon in the seed. Monocotyledons have leaves with parallel veins, flower parts in multiples of three, and fibrous root systems. This is what Bud looks like on the inside now as he is a baby seed.
A tomato seed is a dicot which is characterized by having two photosynthetic cotyledons in the seed that may emerge from the ground when the seed germinates. Also dicot vascular bundles are in concentric circles and they have a taproot system. This is what Spud looks like as a baby seed.

Things to note:
1. An endosperm is t
he part of a seed that acts as a food store for the developing plant embryo.
2. The cotyledon are the small little leafs that first emerge from the seed ( what we are looking for first!)
3. The embryo is the undeveloped leaves and stem at the pant that is protected by the covering. 

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