Saturday, March 23, 2013

Roots Roots Roots!

Well Spud(tomato) is still the only one growing with two cotyledons. I have no clue what happened to the third seed I planted though:( These plants are getting quite tall  and that is due to their strong root system which is a fibrous root system Fibrous roots(Lateral roots) develop  from adventitious roots(primary roots that form on organs other then other roots) arising from the plants stem and usually do not  penetrate the soil very deeply. Most monocots have a fibrous root system. These roots absorb nutrients and water for the plant. 

Buds(Corn) root system is slightly different though. Bud is a dicot and has a tap root system. A tap root system is a strongly developed primary root which grows downwards and grows lateral roots much smaller than itself. The tap root comes from the radicle and goes very deep to get sources of water deep in the ground. Both roots systems store a lot of minerals for the plant also. Tap roots go deeper then fibrous roots.

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