Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bud and Spuds blood related family (p.s.they love me most)

Spud (mr.tomato) is in the Solanaceae family. They are dicots which are a group of flowering plants whose seed typically has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. Other members in Spuds family are potato's, garden peppers, and eggplants. Members of the Solanaceae family provide fiber, vitamins A and C and
other nutrients when eaten, but I want it to be known that I would never eat Spud!!  In the picture are some of Spuds cousins!

Bud is more related to all the grasses and such.He is in the Poaceae family. Poaceae are a large family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. They have more than 10,000 domesticated and wild species and they Poaceae represent the fifth-largest plant family. That means the Bud has MANY cousins, but don't tell him that because I'm assuming they grew bigger then him and he will get intimidated. Some of his cousins pictured below are Timothy Grass, and Crested Wheat Grass.
but still remember....BUD AND SPUD LOVE ME THE MOST!

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