Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Bud and Spud Get hydrated!

I wish I had a picture, but you can not really photograph the inside of a plant. The water is given to Bud and spud through their soil. I water them a little everyday, but not too much. The soil not only hold water, but also nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. The water is taken up by the roots and into the xylem. The casparian strip is what regulates how much water actually gets to the xylem. The xylem is a vascular tissue which means it is conducting. The water is pulled up to the leaves from pressure created from transpiration. Tugor pressure is what is created from the water pushing against the inside of the cell. As the water moves up the cell it can deliver itself to all the plants sections along with nutrients from the soil. When it gets to the leaf if transpires through the stomata of the leaf. These are little openings that open when the sun shines on them normally.

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