Monday, April 22, 2013


This is Spud and the not so good looking Bud!
This blog is supposed to be on the food delivery process including the phloem and trans-location.I know I shouldn't be saying this since Mrs. Anderson is going to read it, but I really don't know that much about this topic because every time I type in food delivery system or cycle into Google I get results like how quickly Domino's can deliver pizza to me.....   I'm hoping that since this is a blog and I am supposed to express my opinions Mrs. Anderson won't take of point for my slight rant about the ineffectiveness of Google:D

Translocation is the movement of materials from leaves to other tissues in the plant.Plants produce sugars in their leaves from photosynthesis, but these sugars need to get to other parts of the plants that cant produce it. This happens by the phloem which is pictures here next to his similar cousin the xylem. The phloem is the actually tissue that the sugar and nutrients move through to get to the other area of the plants. It goes all the way from the roots to the leaves and is made of long continuous stands called vascular bundles. Really food delivery is simple. When parts of the cell need nutrients like sugar it is transported through the phloem to there where it is used to help with growth.

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